EndNote Web Basic
What is EndNote Web Basic?
EndNote Web Basic is an online program that helps you organize references and create properly formatted bibliographies. This is a separate program from the desktop version of EndNote. It helps you organize references and create properly-formatted bibliographies. References can be imported from online databases or can be typed in by hand. EndNote works with Microsoft Word to produce bibliographies and embedded references in hundreds of available styles. EndNote also makes it easy to change the style of your references.
Creating Your EndNote Basic Account
You should create your EndNote account via the Web of Science link. This will give you extended features and storage space. It is recommended that you create the account using the Firefox browser.
- Go to Web of Science at https://wrnmmc.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://www.webofknowledge.com.
- Click the “EndNote” link at the top of the screen.
- Click the “Register” button in the dialog box and follow the prompts to create an account.
Logging into Your EndNote Basic Account
Once you create your EndNote account via Web of Science, you can link directly to EndNote Web at https://www.myendnoteweb.com/ and use the login you created in the step above.
Note: You need to log into EndNote through the Web of Science link once every 30 days to maintain the account.
Creating Groups
- Within EndNote Web Basic, Select Manage My Groups from the Organize menu option
- Name the group.
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