We have moved some of our reference titles into our circulating collection, and also shifted some circulating titles to our reference collection.
At the heart of it is how a library defines a reference collection. Traditionally, Library Reference consisted of dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, and indexes. The idea was that they'd all be in one place for the reference librarian to conveniently access when responding to ready reference questions.
Our reference service doesn't work like that. We don't refer to those titles very much. So we're redefining reference collection as "Core medical titles that see frequent use or may be essential to access in an emergency."
Because of our new definition, we can integrate the old TDR (Terrorism Disaster Response) titles into the reference collection.
These titles will not circulate without special permission from the Cataloger or Library Director.
If customers have feedback, or suggestions for titles to include in the reference collection, they can email the Librarians.