Answered By: Triza Marsh Crittle
Last Updated: Mar 04, 2021     Views: 36

The "Locate@Darnall" button in PubMed or Google Scholar will direct you to the article in Browzine, or the Journal A-Z List. You may also access Browzine from and the A-Z list from When you are in the Journal A-Z List, and you request an article that we don't have, you should see a screen with the citation and a purple button that says "Request via Interlibrary Loan." When you click on that button, it should open an interlibrary loan request in your email. If nothing is happening, it could be one of two things:

1) Your email isn't open. Try opening it, but depending on how your email is set up up at home, it may not work.

2) The firewall isn't allowing the browser to open your email. We're finding this is happening in Chrome on WR-B* networked computers. It is working in Internet Explorer, so try doing your search from there. In Internet Explorer, you'll get a "Do you want to allow this website to open a program on your computer?" If you click "Allow," your interlibrary loan request will open in one of your emails.

You can also copy the citation and paste it into an email to our Library Technicians, or go to to open a request with us.

* Update: It isn't working with Chrome, Edge, and Firefox regardless of whether they're networked or not. We've contacted our vendor. (4 March 2021)

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