Answered By: Triza Marsh Crittle Last Updated: Aug 17, 2023 Views: 434
Defense Health Agency purchases DynaMed for all providers in the Military Health System. It should be noted, however, that DynaMed is part of a larger package intended to support evidence-based medicine. Here's a link to DynaMed and Micromedex with Watson (it's currently working best in Firefox).
- DynaMed: An electronic evidence-based, primary care database designed to provide point-of-care health information.
- Isabel: The DDx Generator, a differential diagnosis tool, covers over 10,000 conditions, all ages and all specialties. As well as clinical features Isabel utilises additional algorithms to only present those results relevant to the patient’s age, sex and region.
- MEDLINE Complete: MEDLINE Complete is a full-text database of roughly 2120 biomedical / health journals and reports.
- Patient Education Reference Center: Provides nurses and healthcare professionals with patient information handouts that can be customized, printed and given to a patient at the point of care. Patient Education Reference Center handouts are easy to read, include medical illustrations and are available in multiple languages.
Here is the link to DynaMed and Micromedex with Watson:
Once you open this link, please complete the following steps:
1. Watch the Brief Tutorial:
The tutorial gives a succinct overview of features and functionality and will help you to best evaluate DynaMed + Micromedex. Click to view the video. We also have upcoming webinars dedicated to presenting the resource and answering questions you have. Please see below to register.
2. Create a Personal User Account:
This will allow you to follow topics and experience the CME/MOC system available. If you already have an account through DynaMed, you do not need to create a new one. Otherwise, simply click the “Sign in” button in the upper right-hand side of the screen, complete the form, and create a password. You can then log in to your account at any time. If needed, detailed instructions for setting up a Personal User Account are available here
3. Download the Mobile App:
With the DynaMed + Micromedex mobile app, you can search, browse, and read content anytime, anywhere. Search for “DynaMed and Micromedex” in the iOS App or Google Play store and select the black tile with D+M. Then use your Personal User Account credentials to authenticate the app. If needed, detailed instructions for setting up the mobile app is available here
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